THe Buried Moon



Classwork for Costume Studio at the University of Texas at Austin, 2020.

Concept Design for a street spectacle inspired by such companies as Macnas (Ireland), Bread and Puppet Theater (Vermont), Double-Edge Theater (Massachusetts), and Red Moon Theater (Illinois).

The parade spectacle would tell the English folktale of The Buried Moon. In the tale the moon comes down to earth to witness the evils that happen in the bog while she is away, and gets stuck in a snatch. The creatures of the bog bury her under a stone to hide her forever, and the people who live near the bog must save her with guidance from the local Wise Woman. As soon as she is freed, the moon’s light chases away the evil creatures, and the people celebrate her return to the sky.

The spectacle would involve costumed actors, and puppets large and small.

Moon_Puppet 2.jpg
Moon_Woman 3.jpg
Bogies 2.jpg
Wise_Woman 2.jpg
Bogie_Puppet 2.jpg
Town_Men 2.jpg
Town_Women 2.jpg